Our team of empowering women from rural families, produce around 30 million TC plants every year, 50+ vegetable hybrid seeds varieties production for almost 100,000 + farmers across the world.
Our Vision
To become a global leader in the sector of Plant Biotechnology, Hybrid Seeds, Crop care
products, Corporate Agriculture and export of products through sustainable innovation.
Quality and faithful relationships with our customers and collaborators.
Our Mission
To fetch global identity as brand for quality, supply and services.
To disseminate innovations through economically and ecologically fairly driven Plant Biotechnology.
To fetch global confidence through sustainable research and development.
To be most applauded brand for satisfaction of our customers and collaborators.
To continuously support and promote efforts for the rural development.
IshVed Overview
100 Acres
Research and Production Farm
Tissue Culture Plants Per Year
50 +
Vegetable Hybrid Seeds Varieties
300 +
Bio-Fertilizer production capacity of 300 MT per month
100,000 +
Associated Farmers
Social Responsibility
Women Empowerment
Apart from commercial activity, IshVed always tries to give back to the society, especially for the needy families. Rural women are trained and certified through a structured training program and employed by various Ishved Group of companies. Today, we have a strong team of women who are equally contributing in the growth of the company. We have a well thought reservation system for created for women employment...
90% employment is given to only women
10% reservation for widow women
10% reservation for family members of the farmer suicide cases
5% reservation for physiclly challenged women
Rural Development
The role of agriculture in rural development is very important.
It is an effective instrument for poverty reduction and food security, particularly in rural communities of developing countries where large numbers of poor people are concentrated.
However the emerging tree crops present enormous opportunities for income generation and food security for small-scale farmers.
The small-scale farming presents the economic, market and health potentiality to contribute to a viable and sustainable rural economy through internal markets thereby reducing levels of poverty and malnutrition.
This sector needs to be supported by both the private and public sectors, irrespective of whether the crop is consumed, traded domestically or exported.
Increasing the capacity of production and trade will enable small-scale farmers and vendors to gain greater income from this sector.